2022 Musée de la Main, Lausanne, Switserland, scientific exhibition on Artificial Intelligence
2022 Commissioned sculpture for KCDG Assen
2022-2023 Commissioned sculpturegarden / monument dedicated to children’s resistance during WWII for Amsterdam city centre
nov 2021: PAN Amsterdam, group presentation Lang Art
july 2021: Art Rotterdam 2021 solo presentation Lang Art
may 2021: Commissioned sculpture for Meijers Assurantiën Amstelveen
may 2021: Nature/ Nature, duo show with Lin De Mol
Sept-Dec 2019: Pick Me by WeLikeArt
November 2019: solo show at Lang Art, Amsterdam
November-dec 2019: PAN Amsterdam
November 2019: Tourist Land, Vrij Paleis Amsterdam
May – June 2019: Solo exhibition at Club Solo, Breda, in cooperation with M HKA Antwerp
August 2018- January 2019: group show as a proposal for a museum of contemporary art in Aruba, by Gast Foundation, curated by Gijs Stork at Archievo Nacional Aruba (ANA).

People posing in front of a piece I made around 1998 from a pair of ice hockey gloves. The left one had been mounted on the collage , the right one morphed in the phrase ‘You can’t do that here’ (every letter made from a different material from the original glove). One of three pieces in the show, all owned by entrepreneur and collector Jan Mol who donated all art works in this show to the community of Aruba.
May 2018:
‘Bloemenlevens’, a group show with old master paintings and contemporary artists, kunsthandel P. de Boer, Herengracht 512, Amsterdam

Herengracht 512, 2018, manipulated branch with manipulated leaves, 100 x 80 x 5 cm, courtesy Ron Lang Art

installing in progress: c-print of stamen and pistils from different flowers in micro-vase, and old master flower still life paintings
March-May 2018: ‘Brave New World 2018’
A solo show at Ron Lang Art (currently named Lang Art), Laurierstraat 82, Amsterdam, from March 23 until May 19.

photo: Joubin Zargarbashi

Parool review by Sophia Zürcher

Telegraaf review by Paola van de Velde

Flyer designed by Manuela Klerkx

God-Believe, 2018, branch with leaves, film from used LCD screen, 30 x 40 cm (fuzziness intended)
March-May: group show ‘Malevolent Eldritch Shrieking’, curated by Paul Morrison at Attercliffe, Sheffield, UK

‘At the other side of the screen’, detail, 2018, dried and cut tree leaves (shapes co-curated by Pinterest image recognition), optic sheets from used LCD screens, 30 x 40 x 0,3 cm.
April: Kunstrai, presentation with Lara de Moor, Ron Lang Art

Feb 2018: ‘Nobody on the Road’, a duo show with Eli Content, curated by Annelien Kers, Vishal Haarlem
Dec 2017: Inauguration of the Parnassia Monument
Inauguration of a memorial monument dedicated to 227 Jewish patients and Jews in hiding, all residing in a psychiatric hospital now called Parnassia, the Hague. They were brutally arrested, taken away and killed in WWII by the Nazi regime. Pigmented concrete, touchscreen, computer. Read more here
Concrete elements produced by Luc4me, audiovisual elements by Intemo

Nov 2017: Human + Artificial Creativity, Design Week Turkey, Istanbul 8-11 / 12-11 2017
Curated by: Agata Jaworska, Aisling Murray and William Myers

Google’s Eyes, DWT 2017, Istanbul

Google’s Eyes, ceramics, 20 pieces, made in collaboration with Google Image Search engine at sundaymorning@ekwc with support from Mondriaan Fund. 25 x 25 x 500 cm
Story by Katharine Schwab for Fastcompany :

March 2017: Artist First! by Francis Boeske Projects and Sara Lang

Index, 2017, ceramics, laquer and gold luster, 60 x 400 x 200 cm, made at sundaymorning@ekwc with support of Mondriaan Fund

Artificial Intelligence, 2017, ceramics, lacquer and gold

Open Mind, 2017, ceramics, 22 x 70x 22 cm, made at sundaymorning@ekwc with the support of Mondriaan Fund, collection of AKZO Nobel Art Foundation.

Untitled (lemon butterfly), 2013-2017, laser engraved lemon c-print 30 x 40 cm, edition of XII

The Drama of Dependance, essays by Connie Palmen Prometheus, 2017

Urn nr 1, ceramics, paint, 22 x 22 x 22 cm, made for the 9th Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale (GICB) in PR South Korea